July 18th - September 29th, 2024

Yo contra mi. Ideológicamente inestable. Gustavo Marrone

Esta exhibición recorre la producción de Gustavo Marrone desde sus inicios hasta nuestros días en tres actos o episodios

durante el año:


• Ideológicamente inestable.

Curaduría de Roberto Amigo y Nicolás Cuello

Marzo a junio.

• Yo contra mí.

Curaduría de Nicolás Cuello

Julio a septiembre

• Al margen, lleno de dudas.

Curaduría de Roberto Amigo


March 14th - July 28th, 2024

ALIENIGENA. Emilio Renart

Alienígena. Emilio Renart

y su práctica artística y social

Colección AMALITA

Colección de Arte Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat

Marzo - Julio 2024

Buenos Aires - Argentina







Sebastián Vidal Mackinson




Sebastián Vidal Mackinson


April 12th - June 30th, 2024

Esto no termina más. Ideológicamente inestable. Gustavo Marrone

Esta exhibición recorre la producción de Gustavo Marrone
desde sus inicios hasta nuestros días en tres actos o episodios
durante el año:
• Ideológicamente inestable
• Yo contra mi
• Al margen, lleno de dudas


Esto no termina más. Gustavo Marrone
Ideológicamente inestable
Colección AMALITA
Colección de Arte Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat
Abril - Noviembre 2024
Buenos Aires - Argentina


April 12th - June 30th, 2024

El cuerpo en escena. Verónica Romano

El cuerpo en escena.
Verónica Romano
Colección AMALITA
Colección de Arte Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat
Abril - julio 2024
Buenos Aires - Argentina

Curaduría y textos
Ana María Battistozzi
Colección AMALITA
Patricia Caramés
Diseño gráfico
Fabián Muggeri
Marcela Galardi, Marina González, Ale Giorgga, Roberto
Paladino y Marcela Oliva.

November 2nd, 2023 - February 18th, 2024

RED Pallière. Pintura, familia y amistad en el Siglo XIX

En el marco de la celebración de los 15 años de nuestra apertura, por primera vez intervenimos el espacio de la Colección Permanente con esta importante y necesaria muestra, que permite actualizar y repensar la actividad y los circuitos artísticos del S XIX.


Esta exposición propone pensar las producciones artísticas desde el concepto de red, en este caso familiar y de amistad, cuyo análisis permite dar cuenta de los aprendizajes, producciones e intercambios ...

November 2nd, 2023 - February 18th, 2024

El monstruo de Testa

Celebrando el centenario del nacimiento de Clorindo Testa (1923-2023) presentamos El Monstruo de Testa.

La muestra consiste en la intervención de la explanada de la Colección AMALITA con Apparatusgommatus testianorum, obra que fue creada en 2009 con desechos que arrojo el mar.  Presentada ...

August 31st, 2023 - January 28th, 2024


Continuando con el objetivo de la Colección AMALITA de promover y difundir a los artistas nacionales, se convocó la tercera edición de esta nueva etapa del Premio Fundación Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat 2023. Este concurso recuerda y homenajea a los premios realizados por la Fundación Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat en la década del 80 y del 90.

En esta ocasión se presentaron casi 2000 obras de todas las disciplinas propias de las artes visuales. El jurado compuesto por María Teresa Constantin, Alejandra Aguado, ...

August 31st - December 31st, 2023

Mutaciones sobre verde. Ariadna Pastorini

Colección AMALITA presenta la exhibición Mutaciones sobre verde. Ariadna Pastorini.  

La exhibición se podrá visitar en el 2do Piso desde el 31 de agosto hasta diciembre de 2023 de jueves a domingos de 12.00 a 20.00 h.




Ariadna Pastorini

Colección AMALITA

Colección de Arte Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat

Agosto - diciembre 2023

Buenos Aires - Argentina


September 7th - October 8th, 2023

Carlos Paéz Vilaró. 100 años de un rioplatense

Colección AMALITA junto a la Embajada de la República Oriental del Uruguay en la República Argentina y el Museo-Taller de Casapueblo en Uruguay, presentan la exhibición Carlos Páez Vilaró, Cien años de un rioplatense, en homenaje a los cien años de su nacimiento. 





Exhibición y catálogo

Curadoría y texto


March 30th - August 1st, 2023


Muestra antológica de Emilia Gutiérrez curada por Rafael Cippolini que recorre los únicos diez años de producción pictórica de esta artista.

Esta exhibición se inscribe dentro de uno de los objetivos de la Colección AMALITA, de actualizar y dar visibilidad a artistas que han desarrollado su actividad en circuitos alternativos, o que han sido leídos ...

April 28th - July 30th, 2023



Verónica Gómez

Colección AMALITA

Colección de Arte Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat

Abril - Julio 2023

Buenos Aires - Argentina




Florencia Qualina


María Florencia Bruno, Marcela Galardi, Marina González, Ale Giorgga, Marcela Oliva y Roberto Paladino.


April 28th - July 28th, 2023

Aura incómoda. Marcolina Dipierro


Marcolina Dipierro

Colección AMALITA

Colección de Arte Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat

Abril - Julio 2023

Buenos Aires - Argentina



Leandro Martínez Depietri


Leandro Martínez Depietri

Asistentes realizadores

Pablo Ortiz y Andrés Arzuaga


María Florencia ...

September 8th, 2022 - February 19th, 2023

El arte es un misterio. Los años 90 en Buenos Aires


Los años 90 en Buenos Aires

Septiembre 2022 - Febrero 2023



Colección AMALITA presenta la exhibición Como una piedra que sueña. Miguel Harte, obras 1989-2022, curada por Santiago Villanueva.  

Esta muestra busca poner en relación la producción de los años 90 y 2000 del artista, con algunas obras especialmente realizadas para esta ocasión. Las distintas escalas de las obras, así como la museografía, invitan a visitar el universo de Miguel Harte a partir de los detalles y el conjunto.


April 22nd - July 31st, 2022

Dormir vestida. Eugenia Calvo

Dormir vestida es una instalación sitio específico de Eugenia Calvo construida por artefactos de uso doméstico. Cama, cocina, mesa y heladera, asumen nuevas posturas y redefinen las relaciones que tienen con los elementos de su entorno cotidiano, dejando atrás el estado en que se encontraban para entrar en otro.

Convertidos en personajes, cada uno de ellos toma posesión de un ángulo de la figura geométrica dibujada por una l&...

April 22nd - July 3rd, 2022

Explorando la Colección #8

Colección AMALITA presenta la exhibición Una colección de bolsillo en el marco del ciclo Explorando la Colección, diálogos entre obras del acervo y artistas jóvenes.  

Esta edición de Explorando la Colección #8 Alicia Penalba/Laura Ojeda Bär es el resultado del Concurso Nuevos Curadores 2021 organizado en conjunto con la Asociación Argentina de Críticos de Arte.

Los jurados Nancy Rojas, Cecilia Rabossi y Leandro Martinez Depietri seleccionaron el proyecto de ...

October 14th, 2021 - February 27th, 2022

EL BÚLGARO. Luis Freisztav

Con la intención de continuar el compromiso con el arte argentino la Colección AMALITA presenta El Búlgaro. Luis Freisztav, curada por Guadalupe Fernández.

La selección de obras realizada por la curadora recorre los tópicos desarrollados por el artista en su producción. La muestra presenta instalaciones que agrupan las obras más allá de la temporalidad del momento de producción de cada una de ellas, con la intención de recrear las puestas previas del artista. Esta exhibició...

December 10th, 2021 - February 27th, 2022

Premio Fundación Fortabat 2021

Exhibición de los artistas seleccionados y premiados de la edición 2021 del Premio Fortabat.


Jurado: Laura Buccellato, Fabián Lebenglik, Rafael Cippolini, Alicia Herrero y Carla Barbero



No adquisición
Mayores de 35 años:
Primer premio: Marcolina Dipierro
Segundo premio: Juan Sorrentino
Tercer premio: Mónica Heller
Premio Pintura Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat: Leila Tschopp

Menores de 35 años:
Primer premio: Valeria López
Segundo premio: ...

July 10th - November 13th, 2021

Santiago García Sáenz. I wish to be light and stay

Curated by Pablo León de la Barra and Santiago Villanueva

October 26th, 2018 - October 26th, 2021

Alejandro Bengolea Room

Curator Marcelo E. Pacheco

The Colección de Arte Amalia Lacrosse de Fortabat pays tribute to Alejandro Bengolea by allocating a room for his Collection. Thirty works that review the Argentine art of the 60s and 90s with the curatorship of Marcelo E. Pacheco. Works selected for their importance and value to represent these times. It includes great pieces by artists such as Alberto Greco, Oscar Bony, Luis Fernando Benedit, Marcia Schvartz, Monica Girón, Jorge Gumier Maier, among others.


October 26th, 2018 - October 26th, 2021

Permanent Collection

Curator Marcelo E. Pacheco

The subsoils become independent by ordering the exhibition, the first, and as a welcome, with the works of foreign artists. The most important and strange works for our country. And the second basement for the entire collection of Argentine art.
Some of the works that are added to the exhibition are Ramona espera, 1964 by Antonio Berni, David fragmentándose (De Grecia al Renacimiento y la actualidad con amor) by Marta Minujin abroad, among others.
The new script is completed with a ...

November 19th, 2020 - April 4th, 2021


Curator Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro

Deputy Curator Lara Marmor 




artistic proposal in depth from the tour of a series of new installations and the presentation of a collection of drawings belonging to different stages of his career. The exhibition will invite the public to immerse themselves in Duville's timeless landscapes, a mixture of real and illusory geography. The exhibition will be accompanied by a story written about the exhibition by the ...

December 18th, 2020 - March 14th, 2021

Explorando la Colección #7. Alejandro Puente / Estanislao Florido

Curaduría Victoria Verlichak

Artista invitado Estanislao Florido


Inauguración online Jueves 17 de diciembre, 19 h en el canal de YouTube de la Colección.


El ciclo EXPLORANDO LA COLECCIÓN surge con el objetivo de difundir y profundizar el conocimiento sobre las obras del acervo, y comprende dos o tres instancias en el año, en las cuales se investiga y se exhibe una obra de la colección en diálogo con la ...

December 5th, 2019 - December 8th, 2020

Explorando la Colección #5. Demetre H. Chiparus / Nushi Muntaabski

Curator Cristina Schiavi

Artista invitada Nushi Muntaabski


The cycle EXPLORING THE COLLECTION arises with the aim of spreading and deepening knowledge about the works of the collection, and includes two or three instances during the year, in which a work from the collection is investigated and exhibited in dialogue with the production of a contemporary guest artist. Musical concerts and activities for children are part of the project. In this edition three works by Demetre H. Chiparus were selected, and the curator Cristina Schiavi invited the artist Nushi ...

August 12th - October 30th, 2020

Explorando la Colección #6. ONLINE. Nicolás García Uriburu / Valentín Demarco

October 17th, 2019 - February 23rd, 2020

Rómulo Macciò. Crónicas de Nueva York

Curator Florencia Battiti

Museography  Juan José Cambre


The exhibition presents a selection of works from the series made by the artist in the late 1980s and early 1990s in New York.

July 4th - November 3rd, 2019

Explorando la Colección #4. Alicia Carletti / Alita Olivari

Curator Verónica Gómez

Guest artist Alita Olivari


The Explorando la Colección project arises with the aim of spreading and deepening knowledge about the works in its collection. The cycle comprises two instances in the year in which a work from the collection is investigated and exhibited in dialogue with a production by a contemporary artist. Musical concerts and activities for children are part of the project. In this edition two works by Alicia Carletti were selected, and with the curatorship of Ver&...

August 15th - September 22nd, 2019


Jury: Mari Carmen Ramirez, Marcelo Pacheco, Pablo León de la Barra, Amalia Amoedo y Rodrigo Alonso 


Senior First Prize Alicia Herrero
Second Prize Valentina Liernur
Third Award Sofía Bohtlingk
Senior First Prize Valeria Maggi
Mention Manuel Aja Espil
Mention Nahuel Ferreira

Artist over 35:
Sergio Bazán, Juan Becú, Gisele Bliman, Florencia Bohtlingk, Sofia Bohtlingk, Dolores Casares, Juan Alejandro Castillo, L&D Chiachio & Giannone, Cynthia Cohen, Andrés Gastón ...

March 29th - July 28th, 2019

Tácticas Luminosas. Algunas artistas mujeres en torno a la Galería del Rojas.

Curator Francisco Lemus


The selection of artists and works, made by Francisco Lemus, presents an overview of the artists who made up the exhibition program of the Galería del Centro Cultural Rojas and other exhibition projects that illuminate the intersections between art and feminism over the years. ninety. Elba Bairon, Graciela Hasper, Alicia Herrero, Magdalena Jitrik, Fernanda Laguna, Ana López, Ariadna Pastorini, and Cristina Schiavi.

October 25th, 2018 - April 21st, 2019

Explorando la Colección #03. Mildred Burton / Luciana Rondolini

Curator Gabriela Francone

Guest artist Luciana Rondolini

Investigation Laura Lina

Coordinador ExploraFuerte! Fernando García


 The Explorando la Colección project arises with the aim of spreading and deepening knowledge about the works in its collection. The cycle comprises three instances in the year in which a work from the collection is researched and exhibited in dialogue with a production by a contemporary artist, which will be selected by a guest curator. Musical concerts and activities for ...

October 26th, 2018 - April 21st, 2019

many happy days

Creator and publisher Fabián Muggeri


As part of the celebration of the 10 years of the Colección AMALITA, Many Happy Days presents an intervention on the 2nd floor of the Collection in which 6 female artists celebrate their work: Delfina Bourse, Ana Gallardo, Luciana Lamothe, Mónica Millán, Nushi Muntaabski and Cristina Schiavi. Each of them selects a work of their authorship and tells the happy moment of creation that led them to make them.

October 26th, 2018 - February 24th, 2019

Fortabat Foundation Award 1984 - 1999

Curator Rodrigo Alonso


The Fortabat Awards were key in shaping the circuit of Argentine art between the recovery of democracy and the consolidation of the art market in the late 1990s. Its almost two decades of existence witnessed a time in which the expression and creativity were reestablished as unavoidable values ​​for a society in cultural, political and institutional recomposition. Within this framework, and at the initiative of Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat, this award originated with the aim of encouraging contemporary artistic production and recognizing its greatest exponents.

August 3rd - October 7th, 2018

Vida de Pintor. Carlos Alonso

Curator: Carlos Alonso, Luis Cuello y Pablo Alonso


The exhibition brings together a large number of works resulting from the artist's constant reflection on the painter's work and on the painting itself. These works, selected by Carlos Alonso, introduce the history and experiences of Vincent Van Gogh, Auguste Renoir, Gustave Courbet, Lino Enea Spilimbergo, among others; and they bring us closer to the artist's inner world. His sharp gaze invites you to explore the life of painters: his own and that of teachers of all times.

August 24th - October 7th, 2018

Explorando la Colección #02. Gyula Kosice / Marcela Cabutti

Curator Marina Oybin

Guest artist Marcela Cabutti

Investigation Laura Lina

Coordinador ExploraFuerte! Fernando García

The Explorando la Colección project arises with the aim of spreading and deepening knowledge about the works in its collection. The cycle comprises three instances in the year in which a work from the collection is researched and exhibited in dialogue with a production by a contemporary artist, which will be selected by a guest curator. Musical concerts and activities for children are part of ...

April 6th - June 10th, 2018

ahora voy a brillar. Omar Schiliro

Curator Paola Vega y Cristina Schiavi


The Colección de Arte Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat presents the first retrospective dedicated to Omar Schiliro, ahora voy a brillar. Based on the idea and project of Jorge Gumier Maier and with the curatorship of Cristina Schiavi and Paola Vega, the exhibition brings together for the first time a large number of the works made by this emblematic artist in his production years between 1991 and 1994.

April 13th - June 10th, 2018

Explorando la Colección #01. Juan Batlle Planas / Maruki Nowacki

Curator Claudio Iglesias

Guest artist Maruki Nowacki

Investigation Laura Lina

Coordinador  ExploraFuerte! Fernando García


The Explorando la Colección project arises with the aim of spreading and deepening knowledge about the works in its collection. The cycle comprises three instances in the year in which a work from the collection is researched and exhibited in dialogue with a production by a contemporary artist, which will be selected by a guest curator. Musical concerts and activities for ...

October 25th, 2017 - February 18th, 2018

Adriana Lestido. Antártida Negra

Curator Gabriel Diaz y Adriana Lestido


The exhibition brings together a series of photographs taken between February and March 2012, at the Argentine bases Decepción and Cámara, and during the boat trip through the Antarctic seas.


The exhibition in the media

November 14th, 2017 - February 18th, 2018

Trilogía: Argentina, Colombia, México

Curator Carlos Arturo Fernández, Consuelo Fernández Ruíz y Roberto Amigo


International Show. Trilogía: Argentina, Colombia, Mexico

SURA and Fortabat collection

The exhibition is made up of a set of works selected by the curators Carlos Arturo Fernández, Consuelo Fernández Ruíz and Roberto Amigo. The works gathered from the collections of the three Latin American countries, propose subjective links between times, places and images. There is no claim in these relationships to answer any pre-established ...

August 25th - November 5th, 2017

Eduardo Stupía. Panorámicas.

Curator Verónica Gómez


The exhibition shows a selection of prints in mixed media, being his most recent works.


The exhibition in the media

April 20th - July 30th, 2017

FABULAREN. Benito Laren

Curator Dr. Claudio Ongaro Haelterman


This exhibition presents a selection of works by this artist from his childhood to the present, inviting us to enter his particular world through new ways and views.


The exhibition in the media

May 4th - July 30th, 2017

Cambre. Mano de Obra

Curator Lara Marmor


Juan José Cambre (Buenos Aires, 1948) paints colors, but curiously he does it without any artistic speculation. An architect by training, he began his career as an artist in the seventies. In the nineties he dedicated himself to painting vessels with the aim of concentrating on the study of plastic elements, such as perspective or the relationship between figure and background. The vessels are followed by several series, among them, the pictures of tree shadows and reflections of light on the water, where the artist paints layer upon layer ...

February 2nd - March 12th, 2017

Colección abierta

Colección abierta is a project, form different exhibitions and publications, with the main objective to inquire the Colección de Arte Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat. To show and put in value its own works of art.

October 20th, 2016 - January 22nd, 2017


Curator Roberto Amigo y Gustavo Marrone


This exhibition presents recent work by Marcia Schvartz, in particular the series The Phantom Train, with a selection of works from various stages since the 1970s.


The exhibition in the media

June 30th - September 25th, 2016

Colección abierta. Macció en la Colección

Colección abierta is a project, form different exhibitions and publications, with the main objective to inquire the Colección de Arte Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat. To show and put in value its own works of art.

April 6th - June 20th, 2016

Horacio Zabala. Purity Is in the Mix

Curator Rodrigo Alonso


This exhibition presents a selection of works from the 70s to works made especially for the occasion. It will be part of a bilingual catalog produced jointly with the Phoenix Art Museum. This publication includes texts by Rodrigo Alonso and Vanessa Davidson-Chief Curator of Latin American Art of the aforementioned North American institution-, where an exhibition of the artist is being prepared for the year 2017. Since his first solo exhibition in 1967, the artist uses minimal visual languages and heterogeneous media. With them he interrogates, diverts and relates fictions, information ...

May 18th - May 29th, 2016


VARIATIONS AUTOUR DE LA LONGUE MARCHE por JULIO LE PARC Para la cuarta edición de Hermès Editeur, el director artístico de la maison, Pierre-Alexis Dumas escogió como artista invitado a Julio Le Parc, un importante exponente argentino del arte cinético y óptico, y miembro fundador de GRAV (Groupe de Recherche d'Art Visual,1960-1968). El trabajo de Julio Le Parc explora cuestiones de movimiento, luz y óptica, as como la relación que existe entre el arte y el espectador. El proyecto de Le Parc para Hermè...

October 1st, 2015 - March 13th, 2016

Colección abierta. Relatos internos

Curator Patricia Caramés y Laura Lina


Colección abierta is a project, form different exhibitions and publications, with the main objective to inquire the Colección de Arte Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat. To show and put in value its own works of art.

May 28th - August 16th, 2015

Marcelo Pombo, un artista del pueblo

Curator Inés Katzenstein


This exhibition brings together a set of works by the artist selected by curator Inés Katzenstein from its beginnings in the 1980s to the present. Marcelo Pombo's production is traversed through seven nuclei based on the different languages ​​that the artist adopted in his career. The curator says about the artist, "The program that Marcelo Pombo has been developing since the mid-1980s, when he began to exhibit at the Ricardo Rojas Cultural Center, proposes an aesthetic and emotional communion with the procedures, languages ​​and ...

May 11th - May 12th, 2015

Bienal de Performance 2015 - Gabriel Baggio

Gabriel Baggio
Flor tallada en madera
During two sessions of two hours each, the artist will learn to carve a flower out of wood with a carpenter carver. The public will be able to observe the process and interact with both. In an increasingly specialized and mediated world, it is about honoring the ability of some people to obtain their own resources for their subsistence.

March 6th - May 3rd, 2015

Rapsodia inconclusa. Nicola Costantino

Curator Fernando Farina


Rapsodia inconclusa by the artist Nicola Costantino brings together the four video installations and installations that were the Argentine shipment to the 55th Venice Biennale in 2013: Eva. Dreams; Eve. Mirror; Eve. The force; and Eva. The rain. On this occasion, some objects and photos on the same theme complete the exhibition. In the whole, the questioning about the construction of the image of the person and the myth is manifested from the narrative and discursive possibilities that contemporary languages ​​grant.



November 13th, 2014 - February 22nd, 2015

Los viajes de Nushi

Curator Marcelo E. Pacheco


The work presented by the artist Nushi Muntaabski is a body, her body, 30 feet long that emulates Gulliver's travels from Jonathan Swift's book. The body is presented fragmented allowing to see its interior and occupying, taking, the surrounding space. It is difficult to define this multifaceted artist according to Marcelo E. Pacheco, who states: “But what about Nushi? It is known that she began planting carrots - at least it is the oldest that this memory retains - and that now she weaves under the eaves of ...

October 22nd, 2014 - February 1st, 2015

NOÉ. Siglo XXI

Curator Rodrigo Alonso


NNOE. S XXI brings together a set of works produced by this outstanding artist in the first decades of this century, specially selected by the curator Rodrigo Alonso. The exhibition proposes a look at the vital presence of Luis Felipe Noé in the contemporary context, both as a protagonist and as a reference. The exhibition, writes Rodrigo Alonso, "is dedicated to the work of recent years; by force, the least studied of his career. A quick glance is enough to verify that among those famous works from the ...

October 22nd, 2014 - February 1st, 2015

YESO. Splash in vitraux

Curator Santiago Bengolea


Yeso by the duo Splash in vitraux, is a site-specific installation, specially created by the artists Manuel Ameztoy and Ernesto Arellano for the 2nd floor of the Amalia Lacroze Art Collection in Fortabat. Of monumental dimensions, the proposal combines the languages ​​of sculpture and textile art, which assume different dialectical relationships in the installation and specific intervention of the space.

July 24th - September 28th, 2014

El Ojo extendido. Huellas en el inconsciente

Curator Mercedes Casanegra


The exhibition brings together a set of more than seventy works by thirty-four artists and a collective produced from 1923 to 2004, specially selected by the curator Mercedes Casanegra. The show is based on a poetic space and individual works, rather than on artistic trends or the limits drawn by the history of art. According to the curator, the exhibition “includes the views on the world represented in each of these works, and opens them to symbolic meanings. The organ of sensitive and intellectual perception - the eye - is ...

July 24th - September 28th, 2014

Ecos simultáneos. Videoarte coreano contemporáneo

Curator Youngsil SOHN


In co-production with the Korean Cultural Center of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Argentina, eighteen works by ten young artists will be presented, including videos, video installations and interactive installations. The works selected by the curator Youngsil SOHN examine the language of Korean media art that emerged since 2000. “For the choice of the theme of the exhibition, special attention has been paid to the current situation in Korea, where the internet and the virtual are developing al extreme. This is where the opposites virtual / current, ...

April 24th - June 29th, 2014

Alicia de Pat Andrea

Curator Virginia Agotte


The two series of 24 works each presented are the product of a profound development on the books of Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland and On the other side of the mirror and what Alice found there; made by the artist over four years. In Andrea's own words: “After listening more to my instincts and rereading the girl's adventures more than a thousand times, my conclusions showed me the right path! I had to go back to the lost freedom, become the painter who could do anything, always!”.

April 24th - June 29th, 2014

Ciudades de América de Facundo de Zuviría

Curator María Pimentel


With the purpose of capturing some of the most emblematic cities in America, this time the photographs portray the cities of Buenos Aires, Cartagena de Indias, Montevideo, New York and Rio de Janeiro; that make up the first part of this process that began in 2008. "In the case of these photos, I came out like an image hunter, feeling that I was imbued with a personal mission: I had to rescue the spirit of these cities before time swept it away".


April 24th - June 29th, 2014

Universos de Moda

Curator Vicky Salías


The exhibition aims to explore the local fashion scene of the last 15 years, and analyze how designers are part of urban clothing. Four conceptual nuclei will be presented: The ancestral influences, The historical look, Remixed signs and The future is now.

The exhibition in the media

December 12th, 2013 - March 2nd, 2014

DAC. Diseño Argentino Contemporáneo

Curator Ricardo Blanco


DAC, Diseño Argentino Contemporáneo, is an international exhibition that brings together the most prominent pieces and representatives of contemporary Argentine design.

Ricardo Blanco, the main reference in this discipline and current President of the National Academy of Fine Arts, is the curator of the exhibition.

DAC takes place on the second floor of the museum and has two large rooms connected by a central corridor, two important entrances and a terrace.

The exhibition is aimed at all ages, as ...

October 23rd, 2013 - February 16th, 2014

Luis F. Benedit. Genealogías del campo argentino

Curator Rodrigo Alonso


The field is one of the most recurrent themes in the work of Luis Fernando Benedit (1937-2011). Approached from different perspectives and in the most varied formats (drawings, watercolors, objects, paintings, installations), it runs through his entire production from the early 1960s to his latest works. Thus, this exhibition constitutes a kind of retrospective focused on a singular topic, a transversal axis of his entire artistic career. For Benedit, the countryside is not a mere iconographic motif or an idealized territory. On the contrary, an important part of its ...

July 18th - September 29th, 2013

BERNI y las representaciones argentinas en la Bienal de Venecia

Curator Rodrigo Alonso


On the 50th anniversary in 2012 of the first prize for our country obtained by Antonio Berni and in the year of the 55th edition, the exhibition presents a panorama of the artists who have participated in the different editions of the Venice Biennale throughout the history. The proposal is structured through a set of thematic nuclei that pose a reflection on the idea of ​​national representation and on the way in which Argentine art has been presented to the world in the 20th and 21st centuries.


April 24th - June 23rd, 2013

Roberto Aizenberg. Trascendencia/Descendencia

Curator Valeria González


Roberto Aizenberg, Trascendencia / Descendencia brings together 65 works by this Argentine artist along with some productions by contemporary artists. The exhibition is articulated from the transcendence that an artist's work acquires, crossing different times and realities to the wake that his artistic descent produces in later generations. Aizenberg's work is revisited based on the links it generates with current productions. The curatorship was organized according to two instances: a first based on free association, similar to the painter's own mode of composition. And a second, in which it ...

November 23rd, 2012 - March 19th, 2013

ALDO SESSA. Buenos Aires in fifty years

August 29th - November 14th, 2012

Raúl Soldi